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PODCAST: Managing Mental Health When Working For A Mission.

Mission-driven work can create very specific emotional challenges. Nowhere is that clearer than in the non-profit world. There, success doesn’t always come with accolades and bonuses — and might not even come at all. The problems can just be too complicated for one person, or one organisation, to fix.

In this episode, host Morra Aarons-Mele speaks with Poppy Jaman OBE, the CEO of City Mental Health Alliance, a network of thought leaders from London-based organizations committed to improving and raising awareness of mental health in the workplace. They discuss the difference between empathetic and compassionate leadership, the therapeutic joy of being silly, and what it’s like to devote your career to mission-driven work, while caring for your mental health.

Listen to the The Anxious Achiever Podcast here on the Harvard Business Review