Re-Balance Bangladesh Nursing Scholarship.
Our first scholarship year saw us sponsor three young women.
Our ambition is to continue funding one additional place per year.
Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing offers Under Graduate Diploma, BSc and Post Basic Qualifications.
Chaired by Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. We spoke to the Principal Niru Shamsun Nahar in December 2020 to begin the partnership.
The scholarships offered will provide full financial support, including accommodation, fees and exam costs, allowing them to continue a BSc in Nursing.
The Re-Balance Scholarship was set up to sponsor disadvantaged young women from low-income families who:
Are an only child or someone who comes from a predominately female family i.e. does not have any brothers
Are the first member of the family to go to university
Have experienced gender / sexual-based violence
Through the scholarship, these young women are empowered to make a positive difference in their families, communities, and beyond.
Are you someone or a business that would like to sponsor a nurse for £6k?

Vision and Aim of GCCN
To establish a nationally and internationally recognised institution for high-quality nursing and midwifery education in Bangladesh.
To provide young people from the rural area in Bangladesh with the opportunity to study at a higher level in order to break the cycle of early marriage, pregnancy, and poverty.
To contribute to enhancing the capacity of healthcare facilities and the capability of human resources.
To prepare young people to become leaders and agents for change to promote improvement in the healthcare and well being of the people of Bangladesh and elsewhere in the world.
To deliver international quality nursing and midwifery education and research.
To promote the values of holistic and community-focused care.
Be recognized as an institution that is a leader in the field of nursing and midwifery education and research in South Asia and elsewhere in the world.
To ensure that our students undergo an education that prepares them with the skills to be professionally competent and to gain the expertise they need for lifelong learning.
To be creative in learning and teaching activities using adult learning approaches.
To be inclusive in activities working closely with government, partner organizations and private institutions.
GCCN is one of the leading Nursing Colleges approved by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, affiliated with the Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council and the University of Dhaka.
GCCN was established in 2010 and as a result of a successful partnership between Glasgow Caledonian University (UK) and Grameen Health CareTrust.
Since January 2012, 355 students have graduated from GCCN and all of them become registered nurses. The college prioritises nursing education, healthcare and prosperity as fundamental to ensure the healthcare services for future generations.